Behemoth (POL) - Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)
1.Horns ov Baphomet
2.Modern Ïconoclasts
3.Here and Beyond (Titanic Turn ov Time)
4.As Above So Below
5.Blackest ov the Black
6.Hekau 718
7.The Harlot ov the Saints
8.No Sympathy for Fools
9.Zos Kïa Cvltvs
10.Fornïcatus Benefïctus
11.Typhonïan Soul Zodïack
12.Heru Ra Ha: Let There Be Mïght
Length: 44:19
3 users have collected this album

Zos Kia Cultus
(Here and Beyond)

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black / Death Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 2002
  • Country: Poland
Legacy score:
Legacy score infoThis rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.
92% 4.6 star rating
No reviews yet

Length: 44:19

  1. Horns ov Baphomet
  2. Modern Ïconoclasts
  3. Here and Beyond (Titanic Turn ov Time)
  4. As Above So Below
  5. Blackest ov the Black
  6. Hekau 718
  7. The Harlot ov the Saints
  8. No Sympathy for Fools
  9. Zos Kïa Cvltvs
  10. Fornïcatus Benefïctus
  11. Typhonïan Soul Zodïack
  12. Heru Ra Ha: Let There Be Mïght
3 users have collected this album

Reviews for
'Behemoth (POL) - Zos Kia Cultus'
'Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)'

There are no reviews for 'Behemoth (POL) - Zos Kia Cultus' yet, stay tuned. Trusted Users can write album reviews.

Meanwhile, check out the existing Black Metal Album Reviews.

4.6 star rating 92%

Legacy score

This rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.

Review for 'Behemoth (POL) - Zos Kia Cultus'
Rated in the Before-Time, in the Long-Long-Ago.
1 Hit

for 'Behemoth (POL) - Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)'

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So I had the t-shirt of this album without even listening to it. I bought it, listened to it, loved it, and now I wear the t-shirt with pride xD

This is Shit.

Amazing Album!!!


Behemoth showcase another strong effort with this one in 2002 and they continue to
Be a great force in demonic evil music today.

Best Behemoth album for me. Insane drumwork, riffs are very sinister and nasty. Unpretentious and arcane. Always gets me moving

Insanely Overrated!!!

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