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Reviews for Blestema - Los Elogios Noctambulares

There is a scene in the Medellin-area, Colombia, that pays tribute to the school of Old, and once in a while a release flows over the ocean towards our lands. Such thing now is the case for "Los ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
93% 4.7 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Forteresse - Thèmes pour la Rébellion

A pure masterpiece, this is what this album is. I have never heard something like this before. The first time I listened to this, I was shocked. I was like, how is it possible to make something this ...

Avg. score:
93% 4.7 star rating
2 Reviews
Reviews for Darkthrone - Arctic Thunder
Legacy score:
92% 4.6 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Zaklon - Viatry Karačunavaj Nočy

Every Friday the new releases at Hells Headbangers come out. I look forward to it all week in hopes I can score something new for my collection. Not long ago I was scrolling through the vinyl section ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
92% 4.6 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign

First of all, let's start this review with a fact check; if you have read any of my reviews on this website, you can easily realize that I'm not a reviewer, and you will be right! I'm not, and I'm ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
91% 4.6 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Bölzer - Hero
Legacy score:
90% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Gratzug - V: Meyster
Legacy score:
90% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Mooncitadel - As Nightwind Embraced and the Shadows Caressed

If you judge this album by it's cover, you should be ashamed of yourself! I'm gonna go straight to the point, this demo is one of the best releases in recent times! If we had to invent a new ...

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(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Morbid Panzer - Only the Total Death

The combination of Thrash Metal and Black Metal existed right from the early 80s. These genres co-existed in the times of Venom's proto-Thrash days and beyond. When these two started to be separated ...

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Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Nox (COL) - Ancestral Arte Negro

This Raw Black Metal band was born in 2012, the first NOX lineup were Seth, Iscaroth and Morbus, who just managed to release a recorded work in 2014 in split format. "Blasphemous Proclamations from ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for War//Plague (USA) [α] - Carrion

The second release from the incredible War//Plague continues in the same direction as the previous masterpiece, with some minor improvements. The attitude and the lyrical approach is pretty much the ...

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(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for DSS - Criminal Witchcraft
Best U.S. Black Metal albums


Recently, as a result of a recommendation, I came across a compilation album called "New Jersey Metal Attack Vol. 1" which was a split between some unknown bands from NJ. Although I liked the overall ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Rotting Christ - Rituals
Legacy score:
89% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Eldamar - The Force of the Ancient Land
Legacy score:
88% 4.4 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Inquisition - Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith

Inquisition “Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith” Origin: Cali, Colombia • Seattle, Washington, USA Genre: Black Metal Label: Season of ...

Avg. score:
88% 4.4 star rating
1 Review
+ Legacy score
Reviews for Ritual Death - 2016 EP

The debut Ritual Death release is a very weird release indeed! The noise/ambient interludes and layers scattered all over the EP give the album a haunting atmosphere. The vocals and guitar parts are ...

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(Top 100 & Awards page).
88% 4.4 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Khthoniik Cerviiks - SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia)

Khthoniik Cerviiks is one of the maddest bands i've ever encountered. It's both experimental and raw, chaotic Black Metal wrapped in a marble package! After releasing some OK demos, this band put out ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
87% 4.4 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Wayfarer - Old Souls

The second Wayfarer album pretty much continues where the debut left off. The lyrical themes, the vocals, the rhythm section, are all pretty much the same as before, however; there are some minor ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
87% 4.4 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Isengard - Traditional Doom Cult

Well, as this is just a promo single for the next album, I won't write a whole review. The first song is an obvious homage to Black Sabbath. Even though the guitar tone is a bit loose, it's still a ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
80% 4.0 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Odal (DEU) - Geistes Unruh
Legacy score:
80% 4.0 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Baptism - V: The Devil's Fire

An album that has a really strong start, but a pretty disappointing end. The first time I listened to this, at the beginning I was like Oh Shit, it's gonna be good because "Satananda" is an extremely ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
70% 3.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for 13th Temple - Mysticum
Not rated
Reviews for 1572 - CDXLIV
Not rated
Reviews for 1914 - Für Kaiser, Volk und Vaterland!
Not rated
Reviews for 359 - The Path of Ayin
Best Finnish Black Metal albums


Not rated
4,094 matches found for 2016
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