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Reviews for Mantra Anguis - Hermético Ritual en un Putrefacto Funeral

I wonder, what am I talking about at the beginning of this review? Well then I am going to make a small introduction regarding the founding member of Mantra Anguis, the main band vocalist called XIII ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
94% 4.7 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst

The best album of 2021 so far in my opinion. Like always, Spectral Wound give us some insane music. Let's start with the good points. Firstly, the riffs of this album are really good. A great example ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
94% 4.7 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Shores of Ladon - Witterung

First of all i want to start my "Review" with a Public Announcement kind of introduction. I took a long break from discovering new music and the humble opinion expressing that came along with it. ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
93% 4.7 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Kanonenfieber - Menschenmühle

2021 has been, despite Covid, that canceled all shows, a great year for Black Metal in my opinion, and this album is for me the best of the year (I know I tell this about the album "A Diabolical ...

Avg. score:
92% 4.6 star rating
1 Review
+ Legacy score
Reviews for Crescent - Carving the Fires of Akhet
Legacy score:
91% 4.6 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Lamp of Murmuur - Submission and Slavery

Lamp of Murmuur is one of the greatest and most consistent bands of recent years which always manages to amaze me with every new release! As I mentioned in my Revenant Marquis review, I discovered ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
91% 4.6 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Panopticon - ...and Again into the Light

Mixing Atmospheric Black Metal with Americana is not a new thing, and you can even say that it's USA's biggest Metal export of the post-2000s! Among big names like Agalloch or Wolves in the Throne ...

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Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
91% 4.6 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Wolves in the Throne Room - Primordial Arcana

Alongside Panopticon and Agalloch, Wolves in the Throne Room can be considered as one of the frontrunners and most important names in the Cascadian Black Metal scene. Their first album is one of my ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
91% 4.6 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Archgoat - Worship the Eternal Darkness

Archgoat is one of those band who were pretty good when they begin their career, but have become more and more talented with the time. Now, in my opinion, Archgoat is by far the best black/death band ...

Avg. score:
90% 4.5 star rating
2 Reviews
Reviews for Arkanus Mors - Cthonos Kathabasis

Five-member band, hidden behind the veil of mystery of the classic Black Metal hides this pentagram of Colombian sorcerers, in the mountains of Antioquia ARKANUS MORS was born in 2014. Translating, we ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Portal - Avow

Portal was one of the major influencers of expressionistic guitar techniques used in Death Metal of the 2000s and 2010s (this experimental approach can be compared to that of Deathspell Omega). ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû - Apsû
Legacy score:
90% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Yoth Iria - As the Flame Withers

As I mentioned on my review for the EP that came before this release, the Greek sound has always been a very unique scene compared to the other scenes. I was very excited about the collaboration of ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Zaratus - In the Days of Whore
Legacy score:
90% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Zigota - Providence of Death

Insects in your lungs Waiting for the time Experimentation and dissonance. Many groups try to rip off Deathspell Omega incorporate this elements in their sound, but generally end up just being either ...

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Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Perennial Isolation - Portraits

I used to say Yoth Iria's album is the Top #1 release so far. My friend recommended me to listen to this album, especially the second song, called "Autumn Legacy Underlying the Cold's Caress", and I ...

Avg. score:
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
+ Legacy score
Reviews for Darkthrone - Eternal Hails......

What can be said about Darkthrone that hasn't been said already? They were the Kings of Black Metal in the 90s, and made a huge impact on all of the future Black Metal bands to come. Their "A Blaze in ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Fuath (GBR) - II


I was a big fan of the first Àrsaidh album, and the 2016 Saor album was a fine album indeed. I didn't much dig the first Fuath album though, it was too "melodic" for my taste! After seeing ...

Avg. score:
89% 4.5 star rating
3 Reviews
Reviews for Hulder (USA) - Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry
Legacy score:
89% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Human Serpent - Heirlooms Eternal

After three badass releases back to back, Human Serpent released their forth full-length release earlier this year. Although they made some cool EPs and splits between these releases, I recommend you ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Stormkeep - Tales of Othertime
Legacy score:
89% 4.5 star rating
No reviews yet
Reviews for Stormruler - Under the Burning Eclipse

I encountered this album on YouTube and immediately assumed that this was a Swedish band. When I checked out their Metal-Archives page I was a bit shocked to find out that this is actually a band ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Ungfell - Es Grauet

After the somewhat mediocre (but rather nice), Peste Noire plagiarism of the debut Ungfell album, the second album brought a kind of unique approach. Even though that album was not that original or ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Warmoon Lord - Battlespells

As I have mentioned many times before, I've always had a soft spot for Finnish Black Metal. Whether legendary acts such as Horna, Satanic Warmaster, Goatmoon, Sargeist, or lesser known projects such ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
89% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
Reviews for Baxaxaxa - Catacomb Cult

Baxaxaxa started out as an underground cult band in the early 90s which combined the doomy, old school Cult Metal and Black metal affairs of Hellhammer with some of the newly emerging melodic affairs ...

Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
88% 4.4 star rating
1 Review
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