Bilskirnir - Vorväter
1.Feuer und Schwert
Length: 15:15
1 user has collected this album


  • Type: Demo
  • Style: Pagan Black Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 2002
  • Country: Germany
Average score:
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Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
86% 4.3 star rating
1 Review

Length: 15:15

  1. Feuer und Schwert
  2. Vorväter
  3. Ása-Týr
1 user has collected this album

1 Review for
'Bilskirnir - Vorväter'

4.3 star rating 86%

This is how a demo should be!

Black Metal demos in general are very difficult to like, but there are some that create a very charming character by being even more primitive! This is one of those latter ones.

All of these three tracks have been recorded properly on later releases, but as I said, this demo is better on some tracks.

The first track is almost like an old German military march, with simple drumming and uplifting riffs, but the re-recorded version on the 2003 full-length is far better.

The best track on this release is by far the second track, it's one of the best Burzum worshiping songs I've ever heard, and none of the re-recorded versions are as good as this version, simply because of that glorious cold atmosphere. What an epic track.

The third track is also much better than the proper recordings of the song, simply because it's not as raw as the other versions, and this soft focus production gives it an almost hypnotizing effect.

All in all, a must have demo!

Review for 'Bilskirnir - Vorväter' by PeaceThroughAnarchy
by Iran PeaceThroughAnarchy on 6th May, 2021
Trusted User - - 160 reviews
Bang That Head That Doesn't Bang to Sarcofago.

1 Comment
for 'Bilskirnir - Vorväter'

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By Morteza (Archived) on
23rd Dec, 2020 @ 15:03 UTC

Better Versions of these songs exists but this version has a really warm sound

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for 'Bilskirnir - Vorväter'

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