Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom...
1.Winds of the Black Godz
2.Fallen Angel of Doom
3.Hoarding of Evil Vengeance
4.Darkness Prevails
7.Weltering in Blood
9.Goddess of Perversity
10.The Desolate One
Length: 30:12
6 users have collected this album

Fallen Angel of Doom...

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black / Death Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 1990
  • Country: Canada
Average score:
Avg. score:
90% 4.5 star rating
1 Review
+ Legacy score

Length: 30:12

  1. Winds of the Black Godz
  2. Fallen Angel of Doom
  3. Hoarding of Evil Vengeance
  4. Darkness Prevails
  5. Desecration
  6. Ritual
  7. Weltering in Blood
  8. Demoniac
  9. Goddess of Perversity
  10. The Desolate One
6 users have collected this album

1 Review for
'Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom...'
'Fallen Angel of Doom...'

4.5 star rating 90%

A True Original

There's not much I can say about this album that hasn't already been said many times before. But it deserves a review on this site for so many reasons most notably being a seminal black metal album. Blasphemy sits comfortably next to Bathory, Venom, and Celtic Frost as originators of black metal and are credited for creating bestial black metal. A no frills war themed genre that crushes skulls. Fallen Angel Of Doom is their debut album originally released in 1990. Before the second wave Norwegian scene began. Canada is too often overlooked in the world of extreme metal regrettably. Blasphemy put out a small amount of music in their career. A few demos, two LP's and a live album but it's enough to cement their legacy as true originals and ass kickers. Today black metal has splintered into so many sub genre's, so many bands and so many albums. It feels so good to put on an old school killer like Fallen Angel Of Doom 35 years later and still be blown away. Unfuckwithable!

Review for 'Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom...' by ScorchedEarth
by ScorchedEarth on 10th January, 2025
Trusted User - - 18 reviews
4.5 star rating 90%

Legacy score

This rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.

Review for 'Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom...'
Rated in the Before-Time, in the Long-Long-Ago.

'Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom...'
'Fallen Angel of Doom...'

for 'Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom...'

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All time classic. Black Metal at full force.666

Pure ignorance

All time classic

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