On this page
- 24/01: Oerheks interview
- 24/01: Aerdryk interview
- 24/01: Zwarte Dood interview
- 24/01: Bränd interview
- 22/01: Bacht’n De Vulle Moane interview
- 07/01: Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger 1st ...
- 06/01: Looking for new stuff?
- 01/01: Best Black Metal Albums of 2024
- 01/01: Random songs #8 (4)
- 16/12: Fulgur et Morte interview
Oerheks interview
Now 5 demos in, Oerheks is the moniker Hans Cools uses for his atmospheric black metal based around the Flemish folklore of his hometown Kaggevinne.
When did you start Oerheks?
Oerheks started in the spring of 2020, May to be exact. Besides isolation, the Spring of 2020 offered incredible weather, giving me the opportunity to go on walks and hikes in my area every day. It gave me the inspiration that would eventually end up in the first couple of demos.
Why did you start Oerheks?
The themes of Oerheks are centered around my local area, called Kaggevinne, a very small ... [»]
Aerdryk interview
One of my favorite Black Metal albums from the last couple of years coming from Belgium must be the debut album by Wemmel, Belgium based Aerdryk, moniker of François Breulet. ‘Met De Drietand Op Mijn Huid’ is a gritty and heavily bass-driven record, with a fascination for ancient Flemmish folklore and early Scandinavian Black Metal.
I only know one Aerdryk-release, which is ‘Met De Drietand Op Mijn Huid’. Is this your only release? Why is your debut release straight away a full album, and not, starting with a short one, a demo or EP?
I felt confident about the whole vibe ... [»]
Zwarte Dood interview
Zwarte Dood
Zwarte Dood is the moniker Joeri Cooreman (LVTHN, Wanhoop) from Denderleeuw, Belgium uses for his solo 90s Scandinavian Black Metal-inspired recordings. Until now, he released 2 demos (compiled as a vinyl album), an EP and a split with ISH KERIOTH.
When did you start Zwarte Dood?
The concept for Zwarte Dood had been brewing in my mind since the late '90s, but finding the right collaborators to bring it to life proved elusive. It wasn’t until 2013, when I co-founded LVTHN with Hans Cools (Oerheks, Silver Knife, and more), that things began to take shape. Through LVTHN, I ... [»]
Bränd interview
Bränd is a mysterious black metal/punk outfit from Linz, Austria. Because there's hardly any info available, I decided to ask some questions via Bandcamp.
Who's Bränd?
Bränd started out as a solo project and still is to some extent, but on the new full lenght record, we're working as a band. The songs are really growing from all the different musicians involved and I'm very stoked to hear how it turns out, as I'm just doing vocals and synths on the record then.
Where are you from?
I currently reside near Linz, Austria.
What's your real name? How old are you?
Name ... [»]
Bacht’n De Vulle Moane interview
Bacht’n De Vulle Moane Meditative and motoric
Bacht’n De Vulle Moane is a new Belgian black metal band formed last year by A.A.R. and Scum (Apovrasma, Ordigort), although their sound goes much wider than black metal. You can hear influences from new wave to krautrock and from P.I.L. to D.A.F. on their debut 'Klaagrituelen', released as a tape on Haunted By Ill Angels.
Bacht’n De Vulle Moane is tagged 'black metal' but I also hear a lot of new wave, industrial and even krautrock in it. Rightly so? What do you think of references like Front 242, Sisters Of Mercy, Swans, The Neon Judgement ... [»]
I have a copy of Darkthrone's black metal gem Transylvanian Hunger in first press vinyl with the notorious "Norsk Arisk Black Metal" tag.
Is there any hardcore fans who are interested in it, before I offer it to the corporate snakes ?
Looking for new stuff?
So proud to announce the official release date of the masterpiece "Nature" under the project Noirum.
...In the style of uncompromising, Pure Nordic Black Metal, we will explore the secrets of the icy tundra... from mountains and forests to arctic swamps and snowy plains.
I was deeply inspired by Norway...my second home.
Anyways... I'd like to thank everyone who helped me create this magical piece.
Long live Black Metal!
Long live Noirum!
Noirum - Nature
Forests, Darkness And Sorcery
Arctic ... [»]
Best Black Metal Albums of 2024
I have not really been listening to a great deal of music this (past) year, however some albums that caught my attention are the following:
Feel free to share your own favourites below
Random songs #8
Previous threads:
Fulgur et Morte interview
Fulgur et Morte
Nature can be insanely violent and death is certain
Fulgur et Morte is 39-year-old Brussels-based musician, producer and Opus Magnum Studio owner Olmo Lipani (Déhà, Cult of Erinyes, Silver Knife, Horrible, amogst many others). He released two atmospheric black metal-albums this month, called 'Possesed By The Unholy' and 'Devourer Of Light', taking you back to Judas Iscariot, Leviathan, Burzum and Xasthur.
I like the two Fulgur et Morte albums you just released. What does 'Fulgur et Morte' mean?
Olmo Lipani: First, thank you for appreciating these two releases. Fulgur et ... [»]
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Latest forum threads
- Oerheks interview
- Aerdryk interview
- Zwarte Dood interview
- Bränd interview
- Bacht’n De Vulle Moane interview
- Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger 1st Press
- Looking for new stuff?
- Best Black Metal Albums of 2024
- Random songs #8 (4)
- Fulgur et Morte interview
Latest news
- Harakiri For The Sky streaming "Scorched Earth" in full
- Felgrave streaming new track from upcoming album
- Nachash streaming "Eschaton Magicks" in full
- Urn streaming new compilation album in full
- Ande reveal another song from upcoming album
Latest comments
- Album: Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe (3)
- Forum: Random songs #8 (4)
- Album: Grima - Frostbitten (1)
- Album: Aedelgard - Natteglimt (1)
- Album: Mayhem (NOR) - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (15)
- Album: Burzum - Burzum (3)
- Album: Conifère - L'Impôt du Sang (1)
- Album: Mordran - One-and-Ninety Years of Darkness (1)
- Album: Xasthur - To Violate the Oblivious (2)
- Forum: Hello there (1)
Latest album reviews
Recent & upcoming releases
- Behexen - Beyond the Four Gates17/01:
- Dark Fortress - Anthems from Beyond the Grave - Live in Europe 202317/01:
- Necrodeath - Arimortis17/01:
- Drudkh - The Eve21/01:
- Membaris - Black Plasma Armour21/01:
- Harakiri for the Sky - Scorched Earth24/01:
- The Great Old Ones - Kadath24/01:
- Behemoth (POL) - The Shit ov God29/01:
- Revenge (CAN) - Violation.Strife.Abominate31/01:
- Saor - Amidst the Ruins07/02:
- Septicflesh - Amphibians10/02:
- Abduction (GBR) - Existentialismus21/02:
- Abigor - Demos 1993-199427/02:
- Grima - Nightside28/02:
- Havukruunu - Tavastland28/02:
- Mayhem (NOR) - Command for Blood, Command for War28/02:
- Istapp - Sól Tér Sortna06/03:
- Borgne - Renaître de ses fanges14/03:
- Cradle of Filth - The Screaming of the Valkyries21/03:
- Drudkh - Shadow Play21/03:
- Imperial Triumphant - Goldstar21/03:
- Cult of Fire - The One, Who Is Made of Smoke26/03:
- Deafheaven - Lonely People with Power28/03:
- In the Woods... - Otra11/04:
- Elderwind - Older than Ancient12/04:
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