Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell
1.Revelation of Doom
3.Funeral Procession
4.Profetens Åpenbaring
6.Ødeleggelse Og Undergang
7.Blood Stains the Circle
8.The Rite of Infernal Invocation
9.The Devil Is Calling
Length: 32:53
16 users have collected this album

Under the Sign of Hell

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 1997
  • Country: Norway
Legacy score:
Legacy score infoThis rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.
96% 4.8 star rating
No reviews yet

Length: 32:53

  1. Revelation of Doom
  2. Krig
  3. Funeral Procession
  4. Profetens Åpenbaring
  5. Postludium
  6. Ødeleggelse Og Undergang
  7. Blood Stains the Circle
  8. The Rite of Infernal Invocation
  9. The Devil Is Calling
16 users have collected this album

Reviews for
'Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell'
'Under the Sign of Hell'

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4.8 star rating 96%

Legacy score

This rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.

Review for 'Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell'
Rated in the Before-Time, in the Long-Long-Ago.
1 Hit

for 'Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell'

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this album is just jaw dropping innit, couldnt imagine a better gorgoroth album

Wish the drums were mixed so damn loud on this album.

does anybody know where i will find vocals as ass kicking as this?

and also does anybody know where i will find more bands who are in to the hole monotheistic stanism thing?,,,you know some who really means the evil that the preach, to give the same kind of feeling as gorgoroths albums do?

Antichrist is better than this by far!!!

Antichrist is better

There are much much better albums who deserve this spot.

Pentagram better than this.

I would rate either this or 'Antichrist' as the best from Gorgoroth, although I also really love 'Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem' and actually consider that to be my favourite. The melodies on 'Under the Sign of Hell' make it a great release and the atmosphere is tangible.

#10 By Necrolexicon (Archived) on
20th Jan, 2020 @ 09:41 UTC

Scathing with a sense of melody and great vocals.

Buy the digipak and the jewelcase.
This album is worth owning twice!!!

Arguably their best
But there are some songs ( in the middle section) that are far from bad but not perfect either

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