Light Shall Prevail - I Long to Destroy the Darkness Forever
1.In Bereavement
2.Stuck in the Black Ice
3.Cradled in Earth
4.Lay Flowers on My Grave
5.Theories to Lift the Gate
6.Evil Black Darkness in the Shadows
7.Ashes Fell Beneath
8.Ashes Fall
9.Buried Beneath
10.Stuck in the Black Ice (Demo 2001)
11.Burning Winter Burns
12.The Lake of Blood
13.The Dark Dark Fortress
14.Burning Embers Fell Like Snowflakes
15.Wolves Guard Our Mausoleum
16.Set Me Frozen Ablaze
17.One Thousand Winters
18.The Sins That Transcend Generations
19.A Time for Everything
20.He Who Sitteth in the Heavens
21.The Torment of Seperation
22.The Light at the End of Existence
24.Overwhelming Grimness
25.Everlasting Grimness
26.In Times of Grace
30.Beholding the Throne of Christ
31.Defeated Once and for All
32.What Once Was Shall Never Again Be
33.Covenant of Blood
34.A War Cry for All to Hear


  1. In Bereavement
  2. Stuck in the Black Ice
  3. Cradled in Earth
  4. Lay Flowers on My Grave
  5. Theories to Lift the Gate
  6. Evil Black Darkness in the Shadows
  7. Ashes Fell Beneath
  8. Ashes Fall
  9. Buried Beneath
  10. Stuck in the Black Ice (Demo 2001)
  11. Burning Winter Burns
  12. The Lake of Blood
  13. The Dark Dark Fortress
  14. Burning Embers Fell Like Snowflakes
  15. Wolves Guard Our Mausoleum
  16. Set Me Frozen Ablaze
  17. One Thousand Winters
  18. The Sins That Transcend Generations
  19. A Time for Everything
  20. He Who Sitteth in the Heavens
  21. The Torment of Seperation
  22. The Light at the End of Existence
  23. Crucifi
  24. Overwhelming Grimness
  25. Everlasting Grimness
  26. In Times of Grace
  27. One:1:
  28. Three:3:
  29. Five:5:
  30. Beholding the Throne of Christ
  31. Defeated Once and for All
  32. What Once Was Shall Never Again Be
  33. Covenant of Blood
  34. A War Cry for All to Hear

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'Light Shall Prevail - I Long to Destroy the Darkness Forever'
'I Long to Destroy the Darkness Forever'

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