Posted by Imperator on 2nd September, 2022 @ 10:30 UTCBy Imperator on 02-09-2022 @ 10:30 UTC

"Ellenbogengesellschaft" is the name of the band's upcoming fourth full-length album, with the track "Ruhelos" now available for listening.

Ellende put out new song from upcoming album
Ellende put out new song from upcoming album

Austrian Black Metal band Austria Ellende have just premiered a new song from what will be their fourth album, "Ellenbogengesellschaft". The song is titled "Ruhelos", and features a guest appearance from J.J of Austria Harakiri for the Sky and Austria Karg fame:


"Ellenbogengesellschaft" is due to be released on 30th September 2022 via German label AOP Records. Back in July, the album's first single, "Abschied ", was already unveiled:


Complete tracklist is as follows:

  1. Ich bin
  2. Unsterblich
  3. Ruhelos
  4. Hand aufs Herz
  5. Someday
  6. Freier Fall
  7. Abschied
  8. Verletzlich

The cover art was designed by the band's very own Lukas Gosch, who founded Ellende in 2011:

Ellende Ellenbogengesellschaft

"Ellenbogengesellschaft" is available in multiple formats, including a limited edition box-set, via the following links: (EU Shop) (US Shop) (Digital)

Ellende Ellenbogengesellschaft Vinyl


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