Sodom - Marooned Live
2.Outbreak of Evil
3.Jabba the Hut
4.Agent Orange
5.Jesus Screamer
7.Tarred and Feathered
9.Remember the Fallen
10.An Eye for an Eye
11.Tired and Red/Guitar solo
12.Eat Me!
13.Die Stumme Ursel
16.One Step Over the Line
17.Freaks of Nature
18.Aber bitte mit Sahne! (Udo Jürgens cover)
19.Silence Is Consent
20.Wachturm / Erwachet!
23.Gone to Glory
Length: 41:23
1 user has collected this album

Marooned Live

  • Type: Live album
  • Style: Thrash Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 1994
  • Country: Germany
This album was released on 1st September, 1994.
Not rated

Length: 41:23

  1. Intro
  2. Outbreak of Evil
  3. Jabba the Hut
  4. Agent Orange
  5. Jesus Screamer
  6. Ausgebombt
  7. Tarred and Feathered
  8. Abuse
  9. Remember the Fallen
  10. An Eye for an Eye
  11. Tired and Red/Guitar solo
  12. Eat Me!
  13. Die Stumme Ursel
  14. Sodomized
  15. Gomorrah
  16. One Step Over the Line
  17. Freaks of Nature
  18. Aber bitte mit Sahne! (Udo Jürgens cover)
  19. Silence Is Consent
  20. Wachturm / Erwachet!
  21. Stalinhagel
  22. Fratricide
  23. Gone to Glory
1 user has collected this album

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'Sodom - Marooned Live'
'Marooned Live'

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