Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst
1.Imperial Saison Noire
2.Frigid and Spellbound
3.Soul Destroying Black Debauchery
4.Mausoleal Drift
5.Fair Lucifer, Sad Relic
6.Diabolic Immanence
Length: 40:15
Submitted by HeritageForest
8 users have collected this album

A Diabolic Thirst

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 2021
  • Country: Canada
Average score:
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Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
94% 4.7 star rating
1 Review

Length: 40:15

  1. Imperial Saison Noire
  2. Frigid and Spellbound
  3. Soul Destroying Black Debauchery
  4. Mausoleal Drift
  5. Fair Lucifer, Sad Relic
  6. Diabolic Immanence
Submitted by HeritageForest
8 users have collected this album

1 Review for
'Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst'
'A Diabolic Thirst'

4.7 star rating 94%

Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst review by Warblackmetal666

The best album of 2021 so far in my opinion. Like always, Spectral Wound give us some insane music. Let's start with the good points.

Firstly, the riffs of this album are really good. A great example is the song ''Frigid and Spellbound'', the best song of this album in my opinion, along with ''Mausoleal Drift''. They are pretty original, and not repetitive. Every song is very different, and that's a point that I like (and that I also don't like, at a point, you will see why later) because it makes the album more entertaining. Another really good point are the vocals of Sam, they are cold and horrific, and these are the type of vocals that I love, personally. The drums are extremely good too, they are a lot more technical than the other Black Metal drums in general. The riffs and the drums complement each other perfectly, and the vocals come and put the cherry on the sundae.

Now, the bad points. There is not a lot of bad points honestly, but the biggest one is a bit weird to explain. All the songs are good, but at the end of the album I'm always a bit bored. My thoughts about why I feel like this at the end is that a lot of the songs have depressive parts, and I'm not a fan at all of these parts. And one point that I mentioned before is that each song is really different. It's mostly a good point, but also a bit of a bad point, and it's very weird to explain. I have the impression that, because they are so different, it breaks the ambiance, and I really don't like this.

To conclude, ''Frigid and Spellbound'' and ''Mausoleal Drift'' are the songs that I recommend the most of this album, but every song is really good at a point, honestly. Other than the two bad points that I have mentioned earlier, the album is perfect. One other thing, the artwork is insane, perfect artwork for this kind of album. Hope you enjoy!


Review for 'Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst' by Warblackmetal666
by Quebec Warblackmetal666 on 26th June, 2021
Trusted User - Lycanthropia.net - 31 reviews

'Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst'
'A Diabolic Thirst'

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