Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Servants
1.Forcefed into Blasphemy
2.An Autumn Evening (Darkness Crave)
3.Black Goat
4.Beautiful Sorrow
5.Adversary (Taste of Forsaken Desire)
6.The Rite of Darkness (Bathory cover)
7.The Shadow (Hill of the Horned Goat)
8.Thou Shall Not Mourn
Length: 39:42
1 user has collected this album

Sing Thou Unholy Servants

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 1996
  • Country: United States
Legacy score:
Legacy score infoThis rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.
77% 3.9 star rating
No reviews yet

Length: 39:42

  1. Forcefed into Blasphemy
  2. An Autumn Evening (Darkness Crave)
  3. Black Goat
  4. Beautiful Sorrow
  5. Adversary (Taste of Forsaken Desire)
  6. The Rite of Darkness (Bathory cover)
  7. The Shadow (Hill of the Horned Goat)
  8. Thou Shall Not Mourn
1 user has collected this album

Reviews for
'Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Servants'
'Sing Thou Unholy Servants'

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3.9 star rating 77%

Legacy score

This rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.

Review for 'Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Servants'
Rated in the Before-Time, in the Long-Long-Ago.
1 Hit

for 'Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Servants'

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Interesting album

#2 By C. K. Coburn (Archived) on
28th Mar, 2013 @ 15:00 UTC

This band has gained somewhat of a cult following in recent times, or at least the band's albums have managed to find their way into many people's collections in one way or another, mostly by word of mouth recommendations. It's a good album, but not your typical bm release! Still, it manages to stand out from the crowd and will not leave any listener 'unmoved'.

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